Sono innamoratissima degli smalti di Karl e quello di Dior; inoltre il set di matite da viaggio della Urabn Decay sono nate per essere accoppiate con la Naked.
Carino anche il quaderno in omaggio ☺
So che molti non hanno trovato grandi occasioni, voi come ve la siete cavata?
I was finally able to find some time and a friend to go shopping for the sales. First stop was Sephora. I know it's getting too predictable for me to buy make up but somehow I cannot resist! Plus all the discount made me save quite some money...
I'm happy with the new nail polishes by Karl and Dior, and the Urban Decay travel size eye pencils are the perfect match for the Naked palette.
The notebook was a nice free gift ☺
How's your sale shopping going?