
28-08 Money Gone For... Hollister!

Un brand a suo modo controverso ma per me affascinante che mi ricorda i bei tempi dell'adolescenza passata per un anno in California. Ora a Milano non ho potuto resistere e ho portato a casa questi 3 elementi per me un must have! Veramente il vestito è un sogno e super morbido al tatto.
Che ne pensate?

1 commento:

  1. I have a gel fuel fireplace in our living room as well as a wood burning stove in our family room. I also find it hard to spend $80.00 for gel fuel, I rather spend the money on wood for my wood stove. So, instead of using the gel fuel cans in the artificial fireplace, I use several tea light candles (the small ones in the metal cup) Cheap Cigarettes, placed behind the front ceramic log, just for effect. It looks pretty and gives off a nice glow too Buy Cigarettes Online. I also like to try the "recipe" for gel fuel, but I afraid it could be dangerous. And I also get headaches from the gel fuel Cheap Cigarettes Free Shipping.
